hey everyone, i hope its okay to post this here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris fringilla aliquam ipsum quis sodales. In eget diam mi. Duis fringilla nibh eros, sit amet egestas massa ultricies eget. Phasellus sagittis, nisi molestie molestie imperdiet, augue augue venenatis enim, eget auctor ligula nisi quis magna. Nam sit amet erat faucibus, gravida libero ut, ultrices sem. Integer id dapibus metus, ac elementum lacus. Donec accumsan metus neque, nec scelerisque mauris mollis in. Nunc ornare aliquam leo quis dictum. Vestibulum sed eleifend nunc.
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Joined: Mon Dec 09, 2024 9:39 am

hey everyone, i hope its okay to post this here

Post by charliebitson »

hey everyone, i hope its okay to post this here. ive been trying to keep up with my online class, but lately things have gotten really tough. im always late with the lessons, and i cant seem to focus. its all over the place, and i dont know what im doing wrong. i really need help with my online class because i feel like im just going in circles. have any of you ever felt this way? maybe you found a tutor or got some advice that really worked? i’d be so grateful if someone could share any tips or even direct me to a good resource. thanks in advance.
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