Is plastic surgery good or bad?

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Carolyn Miller
Posts: 232
Joined: Sat Jun 15, 2024 10:18 pm

Is plastic surgery good or bad?

Post by Carolyn Miller »

Plastic surgeons carry out plastic surgery, while surgeons or other physicians, such as dermatologists, may also do cosmetic surgery. People may need to consider whether the potential risks of plastic or cosmetic surgery outweigh the benefits, as well as how the surgery may affect their physical and mental health. Plastic and cosmetic surgery are neither good nor bad. Both types of surgery have pros and cons. For example, they can benefit people medically or psychologically and help improve a person’s confidence and self-esteem. However, they also come with physical risks and may hurt mental health if people are not happy with the results or have untreated mental health conditions.

The American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery notes that plastic surgery aims to treat areas of the body that are not functioning as they should or to enhance appearance. For example, a person may wish to undergo plastic surgery to help treat severe burns or congenital disabilities or to reconstruct the breast after a mastectomy. Cosmetic surgery focuses on enhancing appearance for aesthetic reasons rather than medical ones. People may have cosmetic surgery to change the appearance of the face or body, such as a nose or face-lift. Cosmetic surgery is elective, meaning that a person chooses to undergo the procedure rather than doing so at the recommendation of a healthcare professional.

Plastic and cosmetic surgery are neither good nor bad. Both types of surgery have benefits and drawbacks. For example, plastic or cosmetic surgery may help improve a person’s confidence and mental well-being. However, surgery can also come with risks, and people may not be satisfied with the results. Before cosmetic or plastic surgery, people should take some time to consider the risks and benefits of the procedures.

If a person is considering surgery, they should speak with a healthcare professional, look for surgeons with extensive experience and training, and have realistic expectations of the results. If someone thinks they may have BDD or another mental health condition, they must address this condition before undergoing cosmetic surgery.
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